Expresaron su preocupación por el envío tardío e insuficiente de medicamentos de la federación para atender la demanda de la población; a partir de hoy lunes los secretarios de Salud se reunirán para revisar una posible ruta de intercambio de medicamentos para que las entidades subsanen el desabasto de medicinas.
Por el incremento de contagios de Covid-19 en el país, los integrantes de la Alianza Federalista se reunieron de manera extraordinaria y urgente ayer domingo en Michoacán, para intercambiar propuestas que contribuyan a contener la pandemia y analizar el cierre fiscal del presente año. sing your own custom tracking parameters. The Dimensions report allows you to easily see what’s working right inside your WordPress dashboard.”,”google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp”)},forms:{title:Object(o[“a”])(“Unlock the Forms Report and Improve Conversions”,”google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp”),subtitle:Object(o[“a”])(“Easily track your form views and conversions. The Forms Report allows you to see which forms are performing better and which forms have lower conversion rates so you can optimize using real data.”,”google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp”)},queries:{title:Object(o[“a”])(“Unlock the Search Console Report and See How People Find Your Website”,”google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp”),subtitle:Object(o[“a”])(“See exactly how people find your website, which keywords they searched for, how many times the results were viewed, and more.”,”google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp”)},realtime:{title:Object(o[“a”])(“Unlock the Real-Time Report and Track the Visitors on Your Site in Real-Time”,”google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp”),subtitle:Object(o[“a”])(“Track the results of your marketing efforts and product launches as-it-happens right from your WordPress site. The Real-Time report allows you to view your traffic sources and visitors activity when you need it.”,”google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp”)}};return n[t]&&(e=n[t]),e}},addCustomLoader:function(){var t=”;document.querySelector(“.swal2�